I frantically looked into the machine again but could only see the original 8 letters-four on the left and four in the center on the right side, the side of my 'bad eye, I only saw gray. However, then she said, 'there are four more letters'!!! I calmly recited 'ABCD, EFGH' and looked up proudly at the girl thinking that I had spent a lot of time and effort worrying for nothing about this test. However, once I saw 'line 5' I felt a big relief since I could easily read the letters on the left and center of the machine. Everything was fine until she asked me to put my head in the 'machine' and read 'line 5'. My palms were a bit sweaty, thinking about the eye exam, but I managed to keep a calm demeanor when the girl asked for my papers. I entered the building and gave the 'gate keeper' all the necessary documents and he sent me to the #6 window to finish the procedure. So, having seen the RS yesterday, and received an injection of Lucentis, I figured I was as good as I could be for the eye exam. I have BRVO in the right eye and decided to wait to take the test until just after a visit to a RS, and an injection, to give me the best chance to pass the eye exam. In any case, I finally decided to take the test today and, with a bit of trepidation, drove over to the dreaded FMV office. I put it off for several months because I didn't know if I could pass the eye exam or not. I recently moved to Florida, about 5 months ago, and knew I had to get a Florida driver's license at some time in the future. Nothing of great importance here-just a little story. Want to know more about DMV Eye Exam Chart? Eye Chart for DMVmi drivers eye chartmn driver license eye chartsnellen chart use by CA dmvminnesota eye chart for. The 20/20 line is near the bottom of the chart. When you get your drivers license in Florida you have.